Tag Archives: universe

The Multidimensional Self by Jeff Street


Whether you know it or not, you are a multidimensional being of staggering proportions.  You are more than meets the eye, much more — more than your body, more than your soul, in fact, you are an integral part of the Universe.  You are present on many levels of reality simultaneously and more powerful than you have ever imagined.   Are you ready to expand your concept of self-hood to include higher selves, other/parallel selves, and probable selves?  If so then, let’s dive in!

Most of us are familiar with the idea of the soul — the conception that our bodies are transient physical vessels for an eternal energetic aspect of our consciousness, which is our true essence.  Conventional science dismisses this idea, and so do many people.  I’m assuming that you probably embrace it since you were attracted to this article.  You’re not alone; many people feel the presence of something greater within themselves.  And as the great shift in the consciousness of humanity accelerates more and more people are feeling and connecting to it.

If we take the existence of some sort of higher aspect of self as a given, the next question becomes; is our current idea of the soul accurate and complete?  There are a growing number of sources that are saying that it is not, that it is overly simplistic, in fact, almost one-dimensional when compared to the new higher fidelity models being suggested.

Some schools of thought subscribe to the very simple model shown below.

This model portrays just two entities; Source/God and Souls (potentially connected to bodies). Its most notable element is that the soul is seen as created by, but separate from the creator.  This representation is very simple and easy to understand but it is a gross oversimplification, and the idea that we are separate from Source/God is, well, just plain wrong.  Luckily, fewer and fewer people are subscribing to this particular model.

Another school of thought offers a somewhat more sophisticated model as shown below.

It considers the Soul a PART OF a wider/higher entity referred to as the Over-Soul, which in turn, is part of the all-encompassing Source/God entity. This model is on the right track and hits upon a couple of key elements; we are multi-layered beings, and every layer is PART OF (and within) each successive layer and all are part of, and within, the one all-encompassing being that we call Source/God. Yet even this model is an oversimplification.

A word of warning here; when you see the term “being”, think “sentient energetic entity” not “physical being”. Most of us have a tendency to personify the concept of “beingness”, but this is a mistake. The essence of all beingness is something non-physical and that’s why I will often use the term “entity” instead, because it avoids this trap.

While the models presented certainly do reflect some aspects of the deeper reality, it is my contention that they are just gross approximations. In the remainder of this article, I will present a more sophisticated model that is a synthesis of ideas from a number of different sources and expands greatly beyond the models mentioned above.  It suggests that we are multidimensional entities present on many levels of “reality” simultaneously and more powerful than we have been led to believe or have ever imagined.  Only a small portion of your total beingness is present in the physical body that you may have erroneously assumed was all of you.  The you that you identify as you is a part of a much bigger entity, which is ultimately also just a small part of the ultimate entity that is “all that is” — referred to through the ages by many names; Source, Infinite Creator, God, etc.

You are a multidimensional being of staggering proportions and in your quest to know yourself, and the nature of your existence, you have employed massive parallelism.

Higher Selves

So what exactly is a soul and what is its relationship to what some call “God” and others call “Source Consciousness”?

If you haven’t heard the term “source consciousness” before then this may come as a shock — the universe is conscious in its very fabric.  The Universe is not at all what it appears from our very limited perspective.  We exist inside of something resembling a great cosmic mind, often referred to as “cosmic/universal consciousness”.

As the term “source consciousness” suggests, all consciousness is derived from the universal field of consciousness.  The consciousness of each and every one of us is an individualized thread of the universal consciousness.  This is what your “soul” is — it is a thread of universal consciousness with an associated repository of experiential information (local memory), and derivative ideas, all somehow encoded as a pattern of energy.  Our soul is sentient energy as is the entire universe.

There is only One Consciousness in all existence. The consciousness that I know myself as is the same consciousness you know yourself as.

Source consciousness is the intelligence that is/created our Universe, and it INDIRECTLY created all our souls.  One of the fundamental capabilities of consciousness is the ability to subdivide itself — to create smaller individualized copies of itself within itself.  Source used this mechanism to create the first level of sub-threads of its consciousness, what in effect could be thought of as sub-selves.  It did this to explore and experience many-ness, rather than oneness, but more importantly, as a strategy to accelerate the exploration of itself and existence — to accelerate its evolution.

The mechanism that Source used to accomplish subdivision and individuation of its consciousness was primarily that of lowering the frequency of portions of its energies, stepping them down into the lower frequency bands of the energetic field.  This is part of the reason why subdivisions of consciousness operate somewhat independently of, yet are inherently part of and connected to, the “higher” consciousness that spawned them — they are simply portions of the parent sentient energies at a significantly lower frequential level.

The subdivisions of consciousness that Source created within itself, in a very real sense, can be considered its sub-selves. And here is the really cool part, anything that a sub-self experiences is also experienced by its parent/higher-self and thus forms the basis for an evolutionary strategy — massively parallel experiences!

The process of subdivision of consciousness is a general capability and can and has been repeated by the sub-selves at each level of consciousness, and for the same reasons — to accelerate their evolution, and thereby contributing to Sources evolution.

Consciousness is like a multi-level branching structure.  If we use a tree analogy then source consciousness would be the tree trunk.  The tree trunk then divides into many large branches, which keep dividing into smaller and smaller branches until we get to twigs with a leaf attached to the end of each.

In this model we could think of the “leaves” as physical bodies and then as you move from the leaf towards the trunk we’d encounter the soul level, and then the over-soul level, and then a number of additional levels till we reached the the tree trunk coming out of the ground, the Source level.  Note that even thou the diagram above shows seven levels it’s unclear how many levels there really are, or whether all branches have to have the same number of divisions/levels.  The only thing that’s for sure is that there are more than three levels, probably many more.  A number of sources indicate that there is a level above the Over-Soul that has been refered to as “Soul Group”.  Below is a diagram illustrating the divisional structure of universal consciousness.

According to some sources there are 2,135 Soul Groups participating in the Earth experience right now (who knows how many exist within Source in total, probably many more).  Each Soul Group entity is able to subdivide itself into (create) up to 144,000 over-souls, and each over-soul is able to create up to 12 souls, and each soul up to 12 soul-extensions.  A Soul-Extension is just another subdivision of consciousness which allows connection to physical vehicles (bodies) in the very lowest frequency bands.  The consciousness that connects to a body to “drive” it has to be within a certain “distance” frequentailly to achieve the connection.  If you do the math this leads to potentially 44 billion incarnate entities on Earth.

An over-soul creates one or more souls for the purpose of connecting to physical bodies in the physical planes of existence — the lower frequency bands of the Universe.  A physical body is simply a vehicle that the soul uses to have physical experiences.  Physical life provides unique and highly formative experiences that are much sought after by a wide variety of non-physical beings.   Physical experience, while challenging, is a spiritual evolution fast track and therefore highly coveted.

The 12×12 subdivisional structure of the Over-Soul allows each over-soul to have up to 144 sub-selves that each can bind to physical bodies for 144 parallel physical lives.  And of course, one of these 144 sub-selves and its body is YOU!

The Higher Self, The True Self

Amongst those that embrace that they have a soul, many are still overly identified with their body as their identity.  Even those that embrace the soul as their true identity may be missing a deeper appreciation of the true scope of their wider/higher self.  Despite the fact that some use the term “Higher-Self” as a synonym for the “Over-Soul” I think it’s better used to refer to all the levels of self all the way up to, and including, Source.  The figure below illustrates this idea.

Your body, and in a sense, even your soul, where created as a transient sentient entity to serve as an experiential and evolutionary vehicle for your over-soul.  So in a very real sense, you could consider the over-soul that spawned your soul as your TRUE SELF!

And your Over-Soul is an immensely wise and powerful being that is always trying to encourage you to create the best experiences for yourself and to become the highest vision of yourself.  Why? because you are part of it, and it is experiencing through you!

At this point you might be wondering, If this is true, why don’t I know it and feel it?This is a very good question.

When your soul incarnates (connects to a physical vehicle) it loses its memory of its greater existence.  The “veil of forgetting” is intentional, it makes the earth game a fully immersive and truly formative experience.  The game of life would not be the same if you knew it was just a game.

We also lose a lot of the fidelity of our connection to our higher-self (over-soul and source).  This is an unavoidable consequence of incarnating into the lower frequencyplanes of existence — the physical planes.  Our earthly level of consciousness is at a frequency so much lower than that of our higher-self that any stream of information coming down is subject to a large reduction of fidelity due to the frequency step down required.  Yet we could still have a very good connection with our higher-self if it wasn’t for one thing — our out-of-control ego.

The constant chatter of the ego and analytical mind creates so much mental noise that we can’t hear the inner guiding voice of our higher-self.  Essentially the signal to noise ratio is so low that the information coming from our higher-self gets drowned out.  Hence, most people on Earth have almost totally lost connection with their higher-self and have completely forgotten what they really are.

What does it take to reestablish a clear connection to your higher-self?  For one thing, it takes a clear and quiet mind.  One must quell the constant chatter of the analytical and egoic mind and the fear and worry that dominates it.  Another thing that helps is to reduce our busyness — the constant distractions of our hectic daily lives don’t leave much space for the presence of the higher-self.  Making more time for solitude and meditation is a good start.

As poor as most peoples connection to there higher self is, you’ve never really completely lost your connection to the other parts of your multidimensional self.  Without realizing it, you’ve had communications between the different layers of your multidimensional self, as well as “other” higher dimensional beings, particularly in childhood when you where much more open and receptive.  Since then you’ve rejected, ignored, and forgotten most of these “Interdimensional” experiences, simply because you didn’t understand what they were and dismissed them as dreams, over-active imagination, hallucinations, etc.

Suzanne Lie Ph.D. is offering a five-week course entitled “Interdimensional Life Review” that can help you to remember all the interdimensional experiences that you’ve had during your childhood, adolescence, and adulthood and help you to improve your connection to your higher wider self.  This course will guide you in an exploration and reinterpretation of your “weird” experiences, in the light of your new understanding of your multidimensional nature, as very real “INTERDIMENSIONAL” communication experiences.  This process can help improve your connection with all parts of your wider self and enhance your reception of the loving guidance that is constantly offered to facilitate your highest good.  To learn more and to register go here.

Even thou the loss of connection with our higher-self could be seen as “bad” it actually serves one of the reasons why we devised the game of life in the first place — to experience separation and to see what it could teach us — separation from the source of our beingness, separation from the knowing that we are all parts of one great being and interconnected and interdependent.

With training, you can learn how to move your locus of consciousness to any level of your wider/higher-self — your soul, over-soul, even Source, and perceive from that higher perspective.  In fact, you can move your locus of consciousness to anywhere in the infinite matrix that is the conceptual/information space of the universal field of consciousness.  More on this in future articles, follow the blog to stay tuned!

Other Selves, Parallel Selves, and Many Lives

From the perspective of your Over-Soul (the higher you), all the souls that it created, and their extensions that are connected to physical bodies, could be considered your “other selves”.

By some accounts, this can be up to 144 PARALLEL incarnations, and regardless of whether that exact number is correct, we can safely say that the higher you is experiencing MANY LIVES in parallel.  And since at the end of a life the sentient energy that was connected to a body can be reused with another body, your Over-Soul has experienced far more incarnations than this, perhaps thousands!  This is why your Over-Soul is so wise, it’s the sum of all the wisdom gleaned from a vast amount of experiences.

Your many incarnations can be anywhere in the physical Universe — any planet; any galaxy; any time period — past, present, or future (our conception of time is wrong,time is an illusion); and in any one of the planes of physical reality.

But since you’re here having an Earth experience it is very likely that many of the other lives the higher you is having are also here on Earth, probably in other time periods.  The Earth reality system provides challenging yet highly formative experiences that are appropriate for fairly advanced beings, so if you are currently engaged here, then it is likely that most of your other selves are here as well because anything less would be boring.

Here’s a diagram that highlights all the parallel incarnations associated with a given over-soul.

Past and Future Lives

Using a technique known as “Past Life Regression” you can actually visit or “see” your other lives — by “see” I mean “have and inner experience of”.  This is done by going into a trance state (via hypnosis or deep relaxation) and then being guided, by suggestion or your own intent, to visit the experiences of your “other selves”, your “other lives”.  In the trance state, the earthly mind is quieted, and one can perceive from the vantage point of any level of ones higher-self and sense the experiences of any of their parallel lives.  All these experiences are recorded in the energy/information field of your higher-self and are accessible if you center the focus of your consciousness in one of the levels of your higher-self.  Depending on the level you may “see” the lives experienced by your soul, or your over-soul, or perhaps even higher levels of yourself.

The term “Past Life Regression” is a bit of a misnomer since your other lives are all happening simultaneously and can be in any time period; past or future.  If visiting a future life seems illogical or impossible to you then you might want to check out my article on The Illusion of Time.  In the many thousands of regressions that have been done many have reported “seeing” portions of lives that were clearly in the future rather than in the past.  Most people focus on exploring their “past lives” because, with our erroneous conception of linear time, we think that the past is “recorded” (and therefore potentially can be explored) but the future hasn’t happened yet (so isn’t recorded and can’t be visited).

There are also many people who have reported experiences from what could be called the “inter-life” period, the time between lives.  A common report from these experiences is that our many lives are all, somehow, happening at once.  Yet other people have reported an apparent sequential process of coming out of one life, reviewing it, planning, and then starting the next — which seems to contradict “all at once”.  This is likely due to the fact that non-linear concepts are very hard for our earthly minds to understand and express so we will often express them linearly.

To dive deeper into the topic of past life regression I recommend the following books; Past Life Regression: Discover Your Hidden Past Life Memories and Past Lives, Future Lives Revealed.

Probable Selves, Parallel Selves, and Many Life Paths

Many possible paths of life experience.

Another way that your higher-self accelerates its evolution through the use of parallelism is to experience all possible/probable life paths!

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if you had made a different choice at a critical juncture in your life?  Well, so did your soul, but instead of just wondering it divides its consciousness yet again, creating a sub-thread of its consciousness to follow and experience each alternate life path.  At every decision point of any significance, one portion of your souls sentience follows branch A, and another follows branch B.  Your soul is experiencing all possible/probable life paths in parallel!  The YOU that you think of as you is simply a sub-thread of your soul that is experiencing one particular branch of the life path decision tree.

At every significant decision point on a life path the path branches.  A decision tree represents all possible paths.  All of these are experienced by your soul.  This mechanism creates a massively parallel experience which maximizes the evolutionary potential for the soul, for the over-soul, and for Source — since all experiences are experienced by your higher consciousness, they trickle up.

The soul threads that follow each of the possible paths of experience could in a sense, be called “Probable Selves”.  Because there is one for each possible/probable life path.  These probable selves are all very real and so are all the alternate experiences they are having — and it is all being accumulated by your higher levels of self!  Imagine how much one could learn by experiencing every possible alternative life path, and all their outcomes!  You would learn and grow very fast! That’s the reason why we designed the process this way!

The Highest Self, The One Self

Life has everything to do with you. But with Big You, not with Little You; with Universal You, not with Local You. There is only One of us.

— Neale Donald Walsch

Once you understand and embrace the multidimensional nature of your beingness, your perspective will broaden greatly.  You may begin to see yourself not as the body and the ego that’s running around here on Earth but as your true essence — your eternal higher-self.  You might even embrace, that in a very real sense, your “highest self” is source consciousness!

And an even greater realization may come over you.  The realization that since the consciousness of all entities/beings are ultimately threads of source consciousness, and hence we are all parts of the one universal consciousness, that in a very real sense, there is only “One Self”.

All levels of consciousness and all loci of consciousness/beingness are ultimately within, and integral parts of, source consciousness — the one being.  And this one being is your highest self, so in a sense, all beings could be considered “yourself”.  This is why it makes sense to treat all beings with the utmost respect, care, encouragement, etc — because it’s all you!

One for all, and all for one!

Jeff @ http://divine-cosmos.net

Suggested Reading

The Complete Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch

Neal Donald Walsch was experiencing a low period in his life when he decided to write a letter to God, venting his frustrations. What he did not expect was a response. As he finished his letter, he was moved to continue writing – and out came extraordinary answers to his questions. This work presents the answers that Walsch received, helping him to change himself, his life and the way he viewed other beings.

You Are God, Get Over It! by Story Waters

An astonishing book that awakens you to your own power. Story has adopted the term ‘Freedom Consciousness’ to describe the state of being where spirit naturally resides. So rather than encouraging readers to become ‘other than they are’ he empowers them to realize ‘All That They Already Are’ through freeing the self from the limited beliefs that it may have taken on in forms such as fear, shame, guilt, and lack of self-worth.

Past Life Regression: Discover Your Hidden Past Life Memoriesby Daniel Kai

This book will help you discover the long journey of your soul — whether your incarnations were in the distant past or more recent. It teaches you to do your own past life regressions, with hypnosis or guided meditation, to recover lost past life memories for yourself and others.

Past Lives, Future Lives Revealed by Dr. Bruce Goldberg

Dr. Goldberg developed the technique and field of progressing patients into future lives in 1977. In this book he reveals the implications of karma in our lives, how we are affected by reincarnation, and how hypnosis can reveal our pasts and our futures. He also includes some enthralling case histories from the 35,000 past- and future-life regressions (of some 14,000 individuals) he has conducted.

The Multidimensional Self by Jeff Street was originally published on Awakening Our Truth

Discovered Your God-Self?

Have you figured out who and what you truly are?  Have you realized that your self is not limited to your body?  There are multiple levels to your self and ultimately your highest self is Source Consciousness — you are an integral part of the One Self.

Levels of Self

Your true self is not limited to the egoic self that identifies solely with its physical body and imagines that this is all it is.  Your wider self is a multi-level composite being that exists at many non-physical levels at once.  To keep it simple let’s talk about the three most important levels.  The LESSER-SELF (or egoic self), your SOUL, and your HIGHER-SELF (over-soul).

Self and The Nature of the Universe

Before diving deeper into the nature of self, we’ll need to take a side trip to explore the fundamental nature of the universe.  One cannot understand the nature of SELF without understanding its relation to the nature of the universe.  Let’s take a whirlwind tour.

The universe is a field of energy.  And everything seen and unseen are simply patterns of energy — matter, electromagnetic radiation, etc.  And here’s the kicker, this energy field is CONSCIOUS!  In some way, not fully understood yet, consciousness is embedded in the fabric of the universe!  And everything is conscious to some degree; an atom, a rock, a cell, a plant, an animal, a human.  Of course current mainstream science isn’t aware of this, but hey, there’s a lot of stuff they have figured out yet.  They’ve been ignoring or ridiculing the work of a small group of free thinking scientists, around the world, that have been digging deeper into this for the past twenty years or so.  If you are skeptical about this and want to read a detailed account of what leading edge science has uncovered about the energetic field and consciousness check out the book The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe.

The universe is intelligent and aware.  It is essentially a mind, a being — one being.  Many terms have be used for this one being; God, supreme being, source consciousness, etc.  The term that I prefer to use is “Universe” with a capital U.  Henceforth this is the term I will use when referring to the one universal being.  And here’s the mind-blowing part, everything is a manifestation of the thoughts of this one being.  There two ways to think about this; (1) Everything is CREATED by its thoughts or, (2) Everything IS its thoughts.  The difference is a fine point that probably isn’t important to this discussion.  Just to be clear, by “everything” I mean ALL THAT IS; energy, matter, stars, planets, etc.  And guess what? That includes US too!

This brings us back to the idea of SELFHOOD.  In a sense, the Universe is ONE SELF.  But here’s where it starts to get very interesting, apparently it decided that it wanted to experience “manyness” instead of “oneness”.  Why it wanted this is hard to say, maybe it was lonely, who knows.  So it created OTHER selves.  And because it is ALL THERE IS, the only way it could do this is by creating SUB-SELVES.  It couldn’t create other selves OUTSIDE of itself because it is ALL THAT IS, hence they must be WITHIN itself.

When it created each sub-self it did so with a slightly different mix of its own qualities.  This way they each would be different and unique.  Presumably it did this because it’s more interesting than making a bunch of exact copies of itself.  A bunch of little clones of oneself might be kind of boring or maybe even annoying.  In addition, each sub-self has its own point of awareness and local memory.  In effect, each sub-self is fully individualized.  Another way of thinking about this is as threads of consciousness — it created many threads of its consciousness each with its own point of awareness and memory.  And guess what?  This is where you and I come in — we are those threads, we are those sub-selves.

And all those points of awareness that are US are actually its points of awareness!  Yes, consciousness can do this.  It can have multiple points of awareness.  The Universe is experiencing through us!  That’s the whole point.  The Universe does not want to WATCH “manyness”, it wants to directly EXPERIENCE “manyness”.  The Universe is having a massively parallel experience through us! In effect, the Universe is SELF-ACTUALIZING through us!

You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself.

Eckhart Tolle

Let’s review…

  • The universe is an energy field and this field is conscious.
  • The universe is one mind, one being.
  • We are all sub-beings of that one being.
  • Oh by the way, as far we can tell, the universe is infinite and eternal.

So IF the universe is an energy being THEN that makes us energy beings too! And IF the universe is eternal THEN that makes us eternal too!

YOU ARE AN ETERNAL ENERGY BEING … did you know that?  Why then do we have physical bodies and DIE you might ask?  Good question, and thanks for asking because this gets to the heart of the matter regarding SELF and LEVELS OF SELF.

Your True Self, Your Higher Self, and Your Soulvideo god

Your TRUE SELF is that eternal non-physical being we’ve been talking about.  We’ll call this your HIGHER-SELF, and it is a thread of source consciousness.  From Sources perspective your higher-self if one of it’s many sub-selves.  And guess what your higher-self decided to do?  It decided to create some sub-selves of its own, one of which you call your SOUL.

Your soul is a thread of your higher-self’s consciousness.  Your higher-self created a bunch of souls (including yours) each with a unique mixture of traits. And each one of these souls is connected to a physical body and having a physical life.  Your higher-self does this so it can experience many scenarios and learn and grow spiritually. Your body is a vehicle for your soul, and your soul is a vehicle of experience for your higher-self.  Your higher-self is experiencing everything you are experiencing, and everything that each of it’s other souls (and their bodies) are experiencing.  Your higher-self is the sum of all its sub-selves experiences.  This allows it to spiritually evolve faster.

The universe (and us) decided that it would be interesting and formative to create physical worlds and physical bodies and for us to play in.  One of these physical worlds is EARTH.  Our higher-self creates our soul and and your sould binds to a physical body (incarnates) because it provides a delicious experience and an immense learning/growth opportunity. The whole point of this “game of life” is growth and self-mastery. Hence, it is sometimes referred to as the “school of life”.

You (your soul) CHOOSE to incarnate and participate in the earth game knowing full well the challenges and the rewards.  To explore more deeply why your soul choose to particpate in the earth experience check out What’s the Point of Life? Why are We Here?  The earth game is a highly engaging, demanding, and immersive experience.  A part of the fun of the game is that you lose yourself in it.  You forget who you really are, and why you are here.  But eventually you “wake up” to the fact that you are indeed in a “game” and this realization is very exciting indeed.  After that you begin playing the game “consciously” — you know you are in a game, and you start to figure out what the rules are.  This allows you to start playing the game on a whole new level.  And you begin to realize you have far more control over your experience and outcomes than you ever imagined.  For more information on how the game of life works, and how to become a master player, check out the book Living the Law of One: The Choice.

The YOU that is here on earth right now is multi-dimensional being.  Your soul is an aspect of a higher-self which exists in some other energetic plane of reality and is connected energetically to your physical mind/body.  Through this connection your soul, and the higher-self that created it, is experiencing everything that you are experiencing.  It is often said the we are 3 part beings; mind/body/spirit — but the spirit part of you is actually three parts as well; soul/higher-self/source.

From the perspective of your soul, your physical mind/body is your LESSER-SELF.  From the perspective of your physical mind/body the three levels of your eternal non-physical consciousness and beingness are its HIGHER-SELF.

The three level model that I’ve presented here is actually a simplification, there are many more levels of self than this.  For a deeper exploration of this check out my article The Multidimensional Self.

Let’s review…

  • You are eternal non-physical being that’s having a physical experience!
  • Your soul is an aspect of a higher level of consciouness which is an aspect of source consciouness.
  • Your soul is bound energetically to your physical mind/body
  • Your higher-self and source are experiencing everything you are physically experiencing.

Your Lesser Self

Many people only know their self as their identification with their body, their gender, their job, their possessions, and the thoughts and emotions churning away in their egoic mind.  This is your LESSER-SELF.  This self lives in fear of being less than others and having less than others.  This leads to competition, conflict, greed, and selfishness.  The world is full of people who only know their lesser selves, and has been for a very long time.  You can see the kind of world that this creates — your living in it.  It creates a world characterized by competition and conflict.  This is reflected throughout our history.

This is unavoidable because the world we create is a reflection of our inner-selves — our state of consciousness. To change the world for the better, we must first change ourselves. Lasting change in the world is impossible otherwise.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

Normally your higher-self would have some degree of influence over your thoughts and behavior but the earth experience is so intense and deeply immersive that we get lost in it.  Our egoic minds are so attached to the reality of the game, and our thoughts are churning so furiously that we cannot hear our higher-self.  We do not realize that we chose to be in this game, that it is indeed a game — we are completely lost in the game and completely wrapped up in the drama.  Most of us will not wake up to our true self in this round of the game (this lifetime), and when we die, and become our true self again, we may be quite surprised and dismayed at our performance.

Your Highest Self, Your God-Self

As discussed earlier, in our whirlwind tour of the universe, your highest self is universal/source consciousness, God if that’s the term you prefer — The being that is ALL THAT IS and that we are all part of.  The being that is experiencing through all of us.  The being who created us and bestowed free will and creative power on us. Not because it wanted to do us a favor or something, but because IT is US and US is IT.  It is free and creative and so are we because we are it.  You are GOD, get over it!

This brings up a very interesting topic.  A fact that your higher-self is very aware of but your lesser-self has probably has lost sight of.  You command the same creative power as the Universe! YES REALLY! Why you ask? Because your highest-self is the Universe ding-dong! You have all the power and potential of the Universe (God) at your disposal but you just don’t realize it.  Check out Discovered Your Creatorship? Manifesting 101 to dive deeper into this subject.

If you found this article interesting you might like the The Multidimensional Self, it explores the multi-layered and massively parallel structure of your higher consciousness — higher-selves, other/parallel selves, past and future lives, and probable selves!


Jeff @

Suggested Reading

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle

In this book Tolle shows how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world. He describes how our attachment to the ego creates the dysfunction that leads to anger, jealousy, and unhappiness, and shows readers how to awaken to a new state of consciousness and follow the path to a truly fulfilling existence.

You Are God, Get Over It! by Story Waters

An astonishing book that awakens you to your own power. Story has adopted the term ‘Freedom Consciousness’ to describe the state of being where spirit naturally resides. So rather than encouraging readers to become ‘other than they are’ he empowers them to realize ‘All That They Already Are’ through freeing the self from the limited beliefs that it may have taken on in forms such as fear, shame, guilt, and lack of self-worth..

The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universeby Lynne McTaggart

This book explores the scientific explanation for psychic phenomena such as ESP, spiritual healing and remote viewing. It explains that everything is connected by the Zero Point Field (ZPF), a sea of energy that reconciles mind with matter, classic science with quantum physics, and science with religion.

Living the Law of One: The Choice by Carla Rueckert

This book explains the core principles of the Law of One and Confederation philosophy — principles such as unity, free will, love, light and polarity. It also dicusses the divine laws that apply to our earthly lives and how to play the game at the next level.

Discovered Your God-Self? was originally published on Awakening Our Truth

Out of the Nothingness we come to Experience Ourselves

My theory, from my experience. Take it with a grain of salt or however you wish. This is how something can come out of “nothing” and how there is no beginning or end.  The Big Bang is just a slice to the whole story.

Read Part 1 here…


Thought = Energy


Mind Body Spirit


Our Multi-Verse is a sphere “torodial field” – “Bubble of Atoms”


Our Universe is a sphere “torodial field” – “Bubble of Atoms.”


Our Galaxy is a sphere “torodial field” – “Bubble of Atoms.”


Our Sun is a sphere “torodial field” – “Bubble of Atoms.”


Our Planet is a sphere “torodial field” – “Bubble of Atoms.”


Our Body is a sphere “torodial field” – “Bubble of Atoms.”


Our Heart is a sphere “torodial field” – “Bubble of Atoms.”


Our Atoms are spheres “torodial field” – “Bubble of the Multi-verse.”


<——(Energy = Thought )——>∞<——(Thought = Energy)——>


Our Multi-verse – inside, is a finite number of Universes like our own.

Our Universe – inside, is a finite number of Galaxies such our Milky Way.

Our Galaxy – inside, is a finite number of Solar Systems such as ours.

Our Solar System – inside, is a finite number of planets.

Our Planet – Outside, is a finite number of humans

Humans/Us – inside, is a finite number of Atoms

Atoms – inside is an infinite amount of Thought

<——(Thought = Energy)——>∞<——(Energy = Thought )——>

Our Universe is the singularity point to reach or connect to our Multi-verse.

Our Galaxy is our singularity point to reach or connect to our Universe.

Our Sun is our singularity point to reach or connect to our Galaxy.

Our Planet is our singularity point to reach or connect to our Sun.

Our Heart is our singularity point to reach or connect to our Planet.

Our Soul is our singularity point to reach or connect to our Heart.

The Singularity is the conduit that connects our Mind to Spirit.

In the singularity

“all things are one”

(–We are all just Bubbles of Thought–)

(-There is only One Thinking-)

(You are the Thinker)


<——(Singularity = One)——> ∞ <——(One = Singularity)——>

<——Mind equals FUCKING BLOWN——>












Awakening Our Truth



Still your mind of Thought and you become Pure Energy.

You become One with Everything connected to that Singularity.

Is your Mind Blown Yet? Don’t worry, I have more to share tomorrow 🙂




What do you think that guy sees when he looks outward? The same thing you see when you look inward.

The Higgs Boson

Out of the Nothingness we come to Experience Ourselves was originally published on Awakening Our Truth